Designer Blue Ganesh Rakhi
1. This product will be shipped out on the same business day.
2. It is shipped using the services of our courier partners and is estimated to reach you at the earliest.
3. For deliveries in USA:
- Through our PAID standard shipping, orders are estimated to be delivered within 1-5 business days.
- If you would like your order to be expedited, feel free to use our PAID priority mail service for delivery within 1-3 business days.
- Orders can be delivered in the San Francisco Bay Area within the same business day, please email us at and we will try to accommodate your request. Additional charges may apply.
4. For deliveries in India:
- Get your rakhis delivered FREE OF COST across India.
- For ‘Rakhi Hampers’ & Rakhi Combinations (ie Rakhi + Mithai/Baklava/Chocolates) a FLAT CHARGE of Rs 150 will apply)
The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address